Whitepaper: The new Standard COM-HPC™

Taking standardized COMs to the next level

The new Standard COM-HPC™. Taking standardized COMs to the next level.

In response to the growing high performance computing requirements, a new working group was set up last year as part of the PICMG® standardization committee. This is to ensure the COM standard remains fit-for-purpose in the future. As a member of PICMG®, Kontron has been a driving influencer of the COM Express® standard since its inception and is now a leading editor for the new COM-HPC™ standard.This is currently being finalized by the PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (PICMG®).


In our new Whitepaper you will get insights about: 

Reasons for the new COM-HPC™ standard

Key Highlights and advantages

What does it mean for the widely adopted COM Express®?

The future of embedded HPC: COMe type 7 & COM-HPC™

Kontron: Value added

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