The Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Kontron are committed to the principles of good Corporate Governance, aligning with the expectations of national and international investors for responsible, transparent, and long-term oriented management. Our Governance framework ensures effective oversight, responsible decision-making, and sustainable growth, reinforcing trust among our stakeholders and creating long-term value for our investors and the community.
Kontron AG, a stock corporation under Austrian law, is listed on the officially regulated Prime Standard market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE) and therefore applies Corporate Governance rules. As an Austrian company listed in Germany, Kontron AG complies with the German Corporate Governance Code, which is publicly available at in the version dated 28 April 2022.
Kontron AG complies with the German Corporate Governance Code, with a few exceptions. In accordance with the "Comply or Explain" principle, the reasons for the deviations from the recommendations are explained in detail in the Corporate Governance Report of Kontron.