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Share buyback program I 2024

On 14 June 2024, the Executive Board of Kontron AG (www.kontron.com, ISIN AT0000A0E9W5, WKN A0X9EJ, KTN) resolved on the implementation of a new buyback program for own shares (“Buyback Program I 2024”) in accordance with § 65 para. 1 no. 8 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG) by utilizing the authorization granted by the extraordinary shareholder meeting on 8 November 2023, published on 9 November 2023  via an electronic information dissemination system.

The Executive Board's decision to launch the Buyback Program I 2024 was taken against the background of the current share price of the company, which, from the Executive Board's perspective, represents a very attractive level. In addition, the liquidity situation is excellent, so that the organic growth and the new Buyback Program I 2024 can be financed.

The share buyback under the Buyback Program I 2024 will be made for the account of Kontron AG and managed by a credit institution that resolves upon the purchase timing independently and uninfluenced from Kontron AG and will conduct the share buyback under the Buyback Program I 2024 in accordance with the provisions set forth in article 3 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 as of 8 March 2016.

This announcement is no public offer for the purchase of shares of Kontron AG and does not impose any obligations for Kontron AG or any of its subsidiaries to accept any offers to repurchase shares of Kontron AG.

Announcement pursuant to section 5 para 3 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 in conjunction with section 2 para 2 and 3 of the delegated regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of the commission.

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