AdHoc: S&T AG: S&T recalls guidance for 2020, reiterates mid-term targets according to „Agenda 2023”

Wednesday, 25th March 2020


The global spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its direct impacts affect society and economy worldwide. Under these circumstances, S&T AG is unable to forecast the further business development of Group S&T in the current financial year in detail. For this reason, S&T AG cannot maintain the current Revenue and EBITDA guidance published on January 22, 2020. The disclosure of a new reliable guidance for the financial year 2020, that is sufficiently reliable, is not possibly at this point in time. S&T AG plans to publish its new guidance after availability of the figures for the first quarter of 2020, which so far developed as initially planned, and following a re-evaluation of the current situation. S&T AG continues to adhere to its medium-term goals of EUR 2 Bn. revenues and EUR 220 Mio. EBITDA for 2023.

For the moment, we pay utmost attention to the health of our employees and their families. At the same time, we also operate critical infrastructures and deliver important products, for example for the medical technology sector, why we are striving to continue our business operations as far and long as possible without restrictions, in order to continuously serve our customers as reliable partner throughout this phase as well. S&T Group is using all available measures to minimize the economic impact of the corona pandemic on S&T group as much as possible.

The S&T AG Annual Report for the 2019 financial year will be published as planned on March 26, 2020.