S&T AG resolves to increase maximum price of the buyback program II 2020 for own shares

Tuesday, 2nd March 2021


On 27 October 2020, the Executive Board of S&T AG (www.snt.at) resolved on conducting a new buyback program for own shares ("Buyback Programme II 2020") in accordance with § 65 para. 1 no. 8 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG) by utilizing the authorization granted by the extraordinary shareholder meeting on 15 January 2019, which was published on 15 January 2019 via an electronic information dissemination system.

On 2 March 2021, the Executive Board of S&T AG resolved, due to the share price increase based on the positive operational development of the company, to amend one of two applicable maximum price thresholds applicable to repurchases under the Buyback Programme II 2020 from a maximum amount of EUR 20.00 per repurchased share to EUR 22.50 per repurchased share.

The repurchase of shares under the Buyback Programme II 2020 will be managed by a credit institution. The volume amounts to up to 1,000,000 shares and the Buyback Programme II 2020 commenced on Friday, 30 October 2020 (terms outlined below).

Details on the Buyback Programme II 2020 will be published on the company's website under: https://ir.snt.at/Share_buyback_program_II_2020.en.html

Terms of the amended Buyback Programme II 2020

Date of the granted authorization by the shareholder meeting pursuant to § 65 paragraph 1 no 8 of the Stock Corporation Act (AktG): 15 January 2019 (published on 15 January 2019)

Start and provisional duration: 30 October 2020 until 30 April 2021 at the latest

Type of securities: bearer shares (ISIN AT0000A0E9W5)

Intended volume: up to 1.000.000 shares, representing approx. 1.5% of the current share capital of S&T AG

Maximum amount to be utilized by S&T AG under the Buyback Programme II 2020: EUR 20,000,000

Price limits (highest price and lowest price per share): the price must not exceed the threshold of 10% higher or lower than the average share price of the last 5 trading days prior to the purchase of shares. The relevant share price is the average closing price of S&T AG shares in XETRA trading (or any equivalent successor system) on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

- Price cap (cumulative):

(i) Purchase price range not above 10% of the average price of the last 5 trading days in XETRA trading (according to the authorization by the general assembly)

(ii) EUR 22.50 (for repurchases from and including 8 March 2021; EUR 20.00 for repurchases before 8 March 2021).

- Lowest price (cumulative):

(i) Purchase price range not under 10% of the average price in the last 5 trading days in XETRA trading (according to the authorization by the general assembly);

(ii) At least EUR 1.00 per share (proportionate amount of the share capital).

Type of repurchase: Via the stock exchange

Reason for the repurchase: Utilization of own shares for all purposes under applicable laws and in accordance with the authorization granted by the extraordinary shareholder meeting on 15 January 2019.

Effects of the Buyback Programme II 2020 on the admission of the shares to listing on the stock exchange: not applicable

The repurchase of shares is being processed by a credit institution that resolves upon the purchase timing independently from the company and will conduct the share buyback in accordance with the provisions set forth in article 3 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 as of 8 March 2016.

Important notice: Details on transactions made under the Buyback Programme II 2020 as well as amendments, if any, will be published on the company's website under: https://ir.snt.at/Share_buyback_program_II_2020.en.html

This publication is no public offer for the purchase of securities of S&T AG and does not impose any obligations for the company or any of its subsidiaries to accept any offers to repurchase S&T AG shares.