786LCD/mITX LV Plus This product is legacy

786LCD/mITX 嵌入式主板, 使用Intel低电压移动 Celeron 733MHz 处理器(使用主动散热器), 配备3个 10/100 LAN, SATA, IEEE1394, CF, LVDS

786LCD/mITX 嵌入式 Mini-ITX 主板,板上固化CPU及内存。LV版本适应ULV低功耗处理器, 815E 芯片组, 依然搭载了 USB2.0, SATA, LVDS, IEEE1394接口以确保产品具备长期寿命



Datasheet 786LCD/mITX
[ 786lcd-mini-itx.pdf, 189.55 KB, Aug.31.2017 ]


KTD-00629 786LCD Family User Manual
[ ktd-00629-k-786lcd-mitx-family-user-manual.pdf, 1.01 MB, Sep.11.2017 ]

General Safety Instruction
[ general-safety-instructions.pdf, 628.88 KB, Aug.02.2024 ]


KTD-00664 BIOS tools Package User Manual
[ ktd-00664-k-bios-tools-package-user-manual.pdf, 65.87 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]

BIOS Tools Package v6.5
(Included BF.exe updated 09-03-2011)
[ bios-tools-package-v6-5.zip, 2.5 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]

786LCDmITX BIOS version 11 Display Block 006
[ 786lcd-mitx-bios11-d006.zip, 815.64 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]


786LCDmITX XPe BSP (Jan. 2006)
[ 786lcdmitx_xpe_bsp.zip, 13.5 MB, Nov.27.2013 ]

KTD-00656 786LCDmITX XPE Support Application Note
[ ktd-00656-b_786lcdmitx_xpe_support_application_note.pdf, 151.85 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]

786LCD/mITX WinCE5.0 BSP
[ windows_ce-net_5-0_bsp.zip, 3.51 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]


Chipset WinAll v.
[ chipset_winall_v-6-3-0-1007.zip, 1.98 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]


786LCDmITX SATA & Raid Driver Windows
[ 786lcdmitx_raid_driver_windows.zip, 138.55 KB, Jul.03.2018 ]

786LCDmITX SATA & Raid Driver Linux
[ 786lcdmitx_raid_driver_linux.zip, 6.13 MB, Jul.03.2018 ]

786LCDmITX SATA & Raid Driver Java Win_GUI_v1.22
[ 786lcdmitx_raid_driver_java_sataraid_windows_gui_v1-22.zip, 20.41 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]


Other LAN drivers
DOS, Linux, Ndis2, Novell Server, ODI, Solaris and VxWorks.
[ other_lan_drivers.zip, 273.83 KB, Jul.03.2018 ]

Windows All v.621
[ winall_621.zip, 0 B, Jul.03.2018 ]

Windows NT4
[ nt4_620.zip, 111.96 KB, Jul.03.2018 ]

[ diagnose_win98-me-2k-xp.zip, 1.01 MB, Jul.03.2018 ]


Windows NT4 v. a376
[ a376_winnt4.zip, 7.94 MB, Jul.03.2018 ]

Windows wdm v.a376-W2K, XP and W98
[ a376_winall.zip, 17.77 MB, Jul.03.2018 ]

[ linux_realtek-linux-audiopack-3-3-4.zip, 3.81 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]


Winnt4_4.03.1381.3196 NO LVDS
[ winnt4_4-03-1381-3196.zip, 4.12 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]

Win2k_XP_6.13.01.3196 NO LVDS
[ win2k_xp_6-13-01-3196.zip, 4.48 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]

Win9x_4.13.01.3196 NO LVDS
[ win9x_4-13-01-3196.zip, 4.57 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]

VGA Driver W2K and XP w. LVDS/DVI support
This driver is to be used when the LVDS is used or the DVI option is used. Version 786LCD_XP_W2K_67KT001.03
[ 786lcd_xp_w2k_67kt001-03.zip, 4.48 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]


startdrv.reg for API in Admin Rights
[ startdrv.zip, 280 B, Nov.27.2013 ]


PN 1035-7636 Cable LVDS STM P240420
[ 1035-7636-cable-lvds-stm-p240420.pdf, 368.02 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 1027-2631 Cable LVDS JAE FI-S20 w PT
[ 1027-2631-cable-lvds-jae-fi-s20-w-pt.pdf, 366.8 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821013 Cable Single HDD 500mm
[ 821013-cable-single-hdd-500mm.pdf, 211.1 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821155 Cable LVDS Open-End 1080mm
[ 821155-cable-lvds-open-end-1080mm.pdf, 270.68 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821017 Cable COM2 100mm 2.54
[ 821017-cable-com2-100mm-2-54.pdf, 140.44 KB, Apr.20.2023 ]

PN 821016 Cable COM2 200mm 2.54
[ 821016-cable-com2-200mm-2-54.pdf, 184.86 KB, Apr.20.2023 ]

PN 821156 Cable LVDS Open-End 2000mm
[ 821156-cable-lvds-open-end-2000mm.pdf, 279 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

KTD-00653 Cable for Samsung LTM170E8-L02 Specification
[ ktd-00653-acableforsamsungltm170e8-l02specification.pdf, 32.18 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]

KTD-00586 Samsung LTM170E5-L03 to 886LCD-M family
[ ktd-00586-0_samsung_ltm170e5-l03_to_886lcd-m_family.pdf, 68.61 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 1021-8971 Cable LVDS DF14-20S
[ 1021-8971-cable-lvds-df14-20s.pdf, 324.24 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

KTD-00598-0 LGPhilips LM170E01 to 886LCD-M family
[ ktd-00598-0_lgphilips_lm170e01_to_886lcd-m_family.pdf, 22.57 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

KTD-00613 Cable for Samsung LTM170EH-L01 Specification
[ ktd-00613-0_cable_for_samsung_ltm170eh-l01_specification.pdf, 78.45 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821401 Bracket Dual USB Cable
[ 821401-bracket-dual-usb-cable.pdf, 240.34 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821520 Cable for LG.Philips LM150X8
[ 821520-cable-for-lg-philips-lm150x8.pdf, 253.36 KB, Apr.20.2023 ]

PN 821515 Open End LVDS Cable 540mm
[ 821515-open-end-lvds-cable-572mm.pdf, 257.34 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 820971 LDI Evaluation Kit
[ ktd-00694-l-820971-ldi-evaluation-kit.pdf, 393.36 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]

PN 821042 Cable Front Panel Open-End
[ 821042-cable-front-panel-open-end.pdf, 164.37 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 1027-3591 Cable LVDS 2x40p conn 405 mm w PT
[ 1027-3591-cable-lvds-2x40p-conn-405-mm-w-pt.pdf, 278.96 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821018 Cable HDD UDMA-100
[ 821018-cable-hdd-udma-100.pdf, 169.82 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821035 Cable SATA 500mm
[ 821035-cable-sata-500mm.pdf, 172.8 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821036 Cable COM2 100mm Bracket
[ 821036-cable-com2-100mm-bracket.pdf, 178.78 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821038 Cable COM x2 Bracket 300mm
[ 821038-cable-com-x2-bracket-300mm.pdf, 195.68 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821041 Cable Feature Open-End
[ 821041-cable-feature-open-end.pdf, 152.19 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821040 IEEE1394 Bracket Dual 6-pole
[ 821040-ieee1394-bracket-dual-6-pole.pdf, 267.78 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821043 Cable Audio Open-End
[ 821043-cable-audio-open-end.pdf, 155.87 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]

PN 821518 Cable LVDS JAE FI-S20S Std18b
[ 821518-cable-lvds-jae-fi-s20s-std18b.pdf, 365.24 KB, Oct.26.2023 ]


KTD-00643 RoHS - ECN
[ ktd-00643-0_rohs_-_ecn.pdf, 47.26 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]

KT Conformance RoHS
[ kt_conformance_rohs.pdf, 65.77 KB, Jun.26.2020 ]


KTD-00776 KT-LVDS-40p Display - Cable List Application Note
[ ktd-00776-c-kt-lvds-40p-display-cable-list-application-note.pdf, 223.74 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]

KTD-00620 BIOS defaults
[ ktd-00620-cbiosdefaultsapplicationnote.pdf, 43.08 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]

KTD-00646 786LCD/mITX Power Supply Characteristics
[ ktd-00646-b_786lcdmitx_power_characteristics.pdf, 5.72 MB, Nov.27.2013 ]

Motherboard Accessories Overview Table
ATX to Mini-ITX motherboard accessories comparison table including CPU cooler, ADD cards, DC-DC converter, backplane and memory.
[ accessorytable23-01-20072.pdf, 133.84 KB, Mar.05.2021 ]

KTD-00572 Info Header Description
Describes the information available in the Info Header (located in BIOS).
[ ktd-00572-cintegratedinfoheaderapplicationnote.pdf, 220.64 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]

KTD-00668 Remote Access via COM Port
[ ktd-00668-aremoteaccessviacomport.pdf, 51.87 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]


KTD-00578 IO Plate for mITX
IO Plate Specification (Drawing) for mITX format of the RoHS compliant MB's.
[ io-plateformitx.pdf, 198.14 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]

786LCD/mITX Drawing (Metric)
[ 786lcd_mitx_drawings_metric.pdf, 1 MB, Nov.27.2013 ]

786LCD/mITX Drawing (Inches)
[ 786lcd_mitx_drawings_inches.pdf, 937.46 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]


Kontron Services Brochure
[ kontron-services-brochure.pdf, 8.9 MB, Dec.17.2020 ]


Accessory Kit for 786LCD/mITX
Accessory Kit for 786LCD/mITX 1条 UDMA100 HDD 线缆, 1条 44针 2mm pitch HDD 线缆, 2条 SATA 线缆, 3条 COM 线缆, 1条 USB Bracket (Dual USB), 1条 Feature Open-End连接线, 1条 前面板Open-End连接线, 1条音频Open-End连接线, 1条 LVDS Open-End连接线, 1条 IEEE1394 Bracket线缆, 1张驱动光盘 more
PCI Riser - Flex - 2slot with arbiter
PCI Riser - Flex - 2slot with arbiter 2槽 PCI 转换卡适用于控创 Mini-ITX 系列主板 more
DC-DC Supply 10-25Vin 150W
DC-DC Supply 10-25Vin 150W DC 10 - 25V ATX 电源支持 786LCD/mITX, 886LCD-M, 986LCD-M 以及 KT690/mITX 系列嵌入式主板 more
DC-DC Supply 12Vin 120W w. Cable Kit
DC-DC Supply 12Vin 120W w. Cable Kit DC12V ATX电源适用于 786LCD/mITX, 886LCD-M, 986LCD-M 以及 KT690/mITX 系列嵌入式主板 more
DC-DC Supply 10-32Vin 90W
DC-DC Supply 10-32Vin 90W ATX电源输入电压 DC 10-32V 适用于786LCD/mITX, 886LCD-M, 986LCD-M 以及 KT690/mITX 系列主板 more
LDI (Large Display Interface) Evaluation Kit
LDI (Large Display Interface) Evaluation Kit LDI 试用套装包含: 820975 LDI 模块, 821521 试用线缆包 821517 LVDS 线缆 2x40p conn 405 mm more

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