
Enabling Tomorrow’s Industrial Production and Smart Automation

Every day, the world’s factories are growing smarter and more connected. This is largely driven by developments in industrial computer platforms and IoT software frameworks, the central components for the control, interaction and connection of machines, data and processes.

As a global leader in embedded computing technology, Kontron closely collaborates with its extensive network of partners and suppliers. Kontron offers a combined portfolio of secure hardware, middleware and services for Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 applications. With its standard products and tailor-made solutions based on highly reliable state-of-the-art embedded technologies, Kontron provides highly efficient and flexible automation platforms. As a result, customers benefit from accelerated time-to-market, reduced total cost of ownership, product longevity and the best fully integrated applications overall.


Server Class Motherboard Provides Both Power and Performance in Confined Spaces

Server Class Motherboard Provides Both Power and Performance in Confined Spaces

Meeting the rising demand for superior compute performance in tasks like robotic surgery and advanced diagnostics, the Kontron K9051-C ATX server class ...


Taking control

Taking control

Robot manufacturer strengthens global reputation for quality with Kontron motherboards.




An industrial customer approached Kontron for a solution to replace current COMe module with one that increased performance, lowered cost, and supported ...


HMI creation

HMI creation

Create graphical user interfaces - without having to program them




Intel, the world's largest chip maker, is also a leading manufacturer of computer, networking and communications products. The Intel® Communications Alliance is a community of communications, embedded developers and solutions providers committed to the development of modular standards-based solutions based on Intel technologies. Intel and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.

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