A La Carte Services

A La Carte Services
  • Work with Kontron to innovate
  • Kontron can help you define your own solution and make it a reality
  • Extend your workforce with Kontron best in class engineering

Because one size doesn’t fit all

Kontron has designed a series of services allowing clients to pick and choose specific services to suit their needs:

Engineering Consulting

  • Work with Kontron to innovate
  • Kontron can help you define your own solution and make it a reality
  • Extend your workforce with Kontron best in class engineering
  • Kontron can design to your specifications or to specifications defined with Kontron
  • Consulting can occur at Kontron, at customer site or via teleconference


Kontron makes it easy to help customers stay informed and up to date on all the technical changes and updates of its products that can occur. Offered are a number of flexible hands-on and interactive methods for customers to participate in its series of in-depth training sessions that are shaped according to their needs.

These trainings can be delivered using various methods:

  • WebEx online trainings
  • At Kontron facilities for a closed classroom style training
  • At customer site

There are a number of training topics currently available and more are continuously being added. 

On site service:

Wherever our clients are located, they can receive dedicated onsite support and installation services. Clients receive all the benefits of:

  • Integration assistance of their Products, Solutions and Services;
  • Reduction in development time and support costs;
  • Access to a Technical support specialist right at their door-step within 48 hours;
  • A closer, long-term working collaboration between Kontron’s and client’s technical experts.

For more information on how we can better service you, 
please contact us at: +1 800 387 4223 or by email at gss@ca.kontron.com.



Kontron Services Brochure
[ kontron-services-brochure.pdf, 8.9 MB, Dec.17.2020 ]



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