Custom Carrier Boards & More This product is legacy

一站式服务提供顶级载板、全定制设计, 计算机模块, 以及增值服务
  • x86 及 ARM 领域具有丰厚经验,可选用任何需要的CPU
  • 为规格设计提供垂询和支持, 辅助优化设计
  • 组件选择和订购保证您产品的成功设计
  • 设计及生产的工程保证了载板设计的极高品质
  • 定制化软件及BIOS
  • 定制化测试、组装及物流为您提供周全保障
  • 提供生命周期管理、保障您的投资



作为全世界嵌入式领域的技术领导者,以及行业中领先的OEM厂商外包合作伙伴,控创 板卡产品 为您提供更可靠、更经济、性能更强的定制化载板产品,为您的业务发展助一臂之力!

以应对长远项目管理,您可选择进行 ISO 9001:2000标准认证。


Dimensions (H x W x D) Customer-specific, down to 45 x 84 mm
Hard Disk P-ATA, S-ATA, CF, SDIO 2.0 (MMC, SD, miniSD, microSD)
Wireless connectivity WLAN, UMTS, GSM/GPRS, IrDA, ZigBee, Bluetooth
Ethernet LAN Controllers up to 10/100/1000 Base-T
Expansion Expansion Ports: Express Card, PCI-Express, PCI, miniPCI
Bus type CAN, Profibus, Device Net, EIB, EtherCAT, LON, etc.
Touch Screen Touch Screen Controller
Common Features RTC, Smart Battery Support, Digital I/Os, Video Frame Grabber, etc.
Serial Serial Interfaces: RS 232, RS 422, RS 485, SSP, SPI
Graphics External converter to DVI, LVDS or analog interfaces
Audio Amplifier, Speaker, Microphone, SPDIF, AC'97 Codec



Boards & More Design Services
Custom Carrier Board Services for COM Express™ and ETX® modules or Full Custom Designs.
[ datasheet_boardsandmore-services.pdf, 1.23 MB, Aug.31.2017 ]


General Safety Instruction
[ general-safety-instructions.pdf, 628.88 KB, Aug.02.2024 ]


Flexible terminals create a relaxed shopping experience
The latest generation of Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals ― i.e., touch-screen terminals ― in Colruyt stores are now based on a customized carrier board and Kontron ETX® module.
[ saw-colruyt_en.pdf, 439.42 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]

Flexibles Terminal für den entspannten Einkauf
Die neueste Generation von Kassenterminals in den Colruyt-Märkten – ein Touch-Screen-Terminal – basiert auf einem kundenspezifischen Carrierboard und einem Kontron ETX®-Modul.
[ saw-colruyt_de.pdf, 566.7 KB, Nov.27.2013 ]


Kontron Services Brochure
[ kontron-services-brochure.pdf, 8.9 MB, Dec.17.2020 ]

More Downloads

All other downloads such as drivers, bios, drawings etc. are available on Kontron’s Customer Section



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