
FabEagle®Connect – Low-code integration solution for standardized data interfaces

FabEagle®Connect enables you to integrate configurable and reliable data interfaces such as OPC UA, REST or TCP/IP to machines and IoT applications. Regardless of the age or manufacturer of your production machines and devices, you can ensure that the IT requirements for seamless integration of interfaces are met as the level of automation increases. FabEagle®Connect uses modular components that cover both interface protocols and data transformation.

  • Easy interface configuration through low-code dialogs instead of programming
    • Fast machine integration through standard data interfaces
    • Cost savings through pre-selection of interfaces
  • Easy expansion and scaling of integration projects
    • High data security through continuous development
    • Easy scaling through parallel applications
  • Open for implementation of custom logic and interfaces
    • Modular implementation of custom edge logic
    • Framework for integration of own special interfaces


  • Data interfaces such as OPC UA, REST, MQTT, Modbus or ActiveMQ for device and machine integration
  • Data access via file and database interfaces for XML, CSV and MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle DB, Firebird DB
  • Develop your own edge logic in freely programmable C# code components


  • As an interface converter on your edge gateway for secure data transfer to the cloud
  • As a reliable interface integration for machines and systems in your local IT network
  • As a framework for implementing custom interfaces for existing machines and proprietary systems


Connect IoT Bundle: Software and hardware from a single source

As an industrial hardware and software partner, we offer system solutions such as the Connect IoT Bundle, which consists of our KBox A-251-ALM/ADN compact industrial-grade PC and our FabEagle®Connect integration software. This way you obtain hardware with pre-installed software to reliably deploy advanced IoT gateways in small to large production runs. Are your IoT applications non-standard? Thanks to our many years of experience in hardware and software development in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, we can support you with customized solutions

Find out more about FabEagle®Connect




FabEagle® Connect Datasheet
[ kontron_ais_factsheet_fabeagle_connect_en_2024-05_web.pdf, 1.16 MB, Jun.03.2024 ]

susietec® Connect IoT-Bundle Factsheet
[ 20240301_connect-k-box_iot_bundles_en.pdf, 1.7 MB, Apr.24.2024 ]


Interface integration for a coating line with FabEagle®Connect
[ kontron_ais_success_story_infratec_en.pdf, 376.4 KB, Aug.02.2024 ]



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