Connectivity in Harsh Environments: Highlights from Kontron @ MWC 2025
We were thrilled to exhibit at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona last week, where we had many opportunities to engage with industry leaders tackling some of the toughest connectivity challenges in the world. In an era where seamless commun...
Kontron Connects Insights with Matt Inglis
In today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape, consumer IoT devices are transforming the way we live and work. But with this transformation comes a unique set of challenges—ranging from security concerns and legal regulations to sustainabi...
Expert interview: How software is shaping avionics and beyond
Welcome to Kontron Connects, your gateway to unlocking industry insights directly from our experts. Dive into our new series and gain a competitive edge as we provide an in-depth analysis of industry trends and invaluable expertise tailored...
Architecting the Future: Insights from our Integration Expert
Welcome to Kontron Connects, your gateway to unlocking industry insights directly from our experts. Dive into our new series and gain a competitive edge as we provide an in-depth analysis of industry trends and invaluable expertise tailored...
Broadening the Horizon: Trends in Broadband Technology
Welcome to Kontron Connects, your gateway to unlocking industry insights directly from our experts. Dive into our new series and gain a competitive edge as we provide an in-depth analysis of industry trends and invaluable expertise tailored...
Welcome to Kontron Connects, your gateway to unlocking industry insights directly from our experts. Dive into our new series and gain a competitive edge as we provide an in-depth analysis of industry trends and invaluable expertise tailored...
Kontron Connects: Driving Reliable IoT Connectivity with the CG2500
Welcome to Kontron Connects, your gateway to unlocking industry insights directly from our experts. Dive into our new series and gain a competitive edge as we provide an in-depth analysis of industry trends and invaluable expertise tailored...
Kontron Connects: How Satellite Connectivity is Shaping our World
Welcome to Kontron Connects, your gateway to unlocking industry insights directly from our experts. Dive into our new series and gain a competitive edge as we provide an in-depth analysis of industry trends and invaluable expertise tailored...
Kontron has 3 solutions for the biggest connectivity challenge: AIX 2024
Kontron is gearing up for an exciting showcase at the Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX) 2024, taking place from May 28 – 30 in Hamburg, Germany. Our avionics experts are getting ready to show you a range of open platforms aimed at empowering ...
Welcome to Kontron Connects, your gateway to unlocking industry insights directly from our experts. Dive into our new series and gain a competitive edge as we provide an in-depth analysis of industry trends and invaluable expertise tailored...
Behind the Scenes: Kontron Connectivity Solutions at MWC 2024
Kontron was thrilled to participate in Mobile World Congress 2024 (MWC), our largest communications and connectivity show of the year. Held in Barcelona, Spain once again, Kontron experts were present to discuss how our rugged edge platform...
What are the essential ingredients of an eNodeB for private LTE network deployments?
Private LTE networks provide organizations with extended coverage and more secure, robust connections compared to public Wi-Fi. These networks offer operators increased reliability, flexibility, and resiliency. In sectors such as public saf...
Kontron will exhibit new CWAP at APEX to enhance flying experiences
Kontron will showcase its latest and greatest in in-flight entertainment and connectivity (IFE&C) solutions at booth 1028 in Long Beach, California this week. APEX attendees can expect an array of standard and custom products that enabl...
Connectivity above all at Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX) 2023
Kontron recently exhibited at Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX) in Hamburg, Germany, our largest Avionics tradeshow of the year. As participants for the last 14 years, it was captivating to see the industry stronger than ever on its road to rec...
Forging a sustainable future for content delivery with GPU acceleration
Investing in our planet’s future is increasingly crucial for businesses across all industries. According to Harvard Business Review, the “sustainable business went mainstream in 2021” and there really is no turning back. Organiza...
Taking the fast track to tomorrow’s Intelligent Railways
  Kontron and Intel combine technologies for enabling smart rail solutions Governments around the world are setting new goals for improving mass railway transportation to accelerate the delivery of goods, alleviate congestion, and in...
Digitale Schiene Deutschland and its partners are developing an FRMCS System Design for the Digital Railway System
  Article from Digital Rail Germany and Kontron Transportation   Key aspects of the 5G based Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) have been investigated within four research projects ...
Unified world standard for real-time data communication
  Rapidly growing network sizes and data volumes in the Industrial Internet of Things are pushing existing network protocols to their limits. As an open communication protocol, OPC UA enables completely continuous and transparent comm...
How Kontron Ran Platforms help close the connectivity gap in remote areas
    The telco market is becoming a place where multitudes of players are leveraging the principles of dissagregation. Lowering the barrier for new disruptive technologies to come in and positively impact the closed proprietary...
COVID-19 Effects on Telcos: Not all of it is negative
    I had a Facetime chat with our Director of Marketing, Chris Wilder, this week about the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on our society. It is safe to say the way we communicate, the way we work, and the way we live h...
*This is the first publication in what will be a series of blog posts highlighting the trends we are seeing in the marketplace. Welcome to Kontrends.     An interesting by-product of the COVID-19 virus is panic buying, and w...
The In-Flight Connection
  Kontron’s involvement in the EAN project has been well documented, supplying LRUs to support Inmarsat and the project in general. There’s something extremely exciting about being involved in a project of this scope and magnitu...
Trends and Topics at Aircraft Interiors Expo 2019
Once again Aircraft Interiors Expo held in Hamburg, Germany, proved to be the leading must attend event in Europe to see innovation in Cabin interiors, passenger experience, connectivity and in-flight entertainment. After a busy three day...
The SPS IPC Drives 2018: "UNO of Automation" sets milestone for successful market penetration of OPC UA over TSN
  What an exciting SPS it was! Held under the motto "Smart and Digital Automation", the trade fair lived up to its reputation as the most important leading trade fair for automation/digitization & industry 4.0. I have been atten...
Kontron successfully represented at the international Aircraft Interiors Expo 2018 in Hamburg
Aircraft Interiors Expo Hamburg is the leading international trade fair for aircraft interiors. More than 500 international exhibitors presented their products and services in 7 exhibition halls this year. The exhibition spectrum includes...
Kontron finds revitalization through S&T merger
  The Internet of Things is now a staple of competitive strategies for both embedded platforms and IT solutions alike. The recent merger of Kontron, a leading global provider of embedded technology, with S&T Deutschland Holding ...
Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things are emerging market segments around the globe
Applications that enable the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 are often compared to the workflow in an ant colony. The digital exchange of data with suppliers and customers as well as from machines to machines (M2M) runs via sens...
The Future of Telecom: What I Learned at GENBAND Perspectives17
As a first-time attendee, let me just say this five-day action-packed event definitely lived up to the hype. Perspectives17 was the avenue to exchange ideas with the brightest minds in telecom. Apart from networking with leading service ...
Key Takeaways from NAB 2017
Top 3 Trends Impacting the Direction of Video We were thrilled to exhibit again at the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) Show in Las Vegas, the ultimate marketplace for solutions that support in new and exciting ways the creation...
How do you feel today?
Being a computer person, I usually do not see technology like a form of black magic. Whenever I consider even the most complex system, I can imagine all the small pieces and the collection of techniques humming within this marvel.  A...
Secure and Connected Above the Clouds: Kontron at Aircraft Interiors Expo 2017
Each year a global audience of professionals from the avionics industry gather in Hamburg, Germany, for Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX). At AIX, the industry’s most important trade show of the year, they meet, network and negotiate business...
Industry 4.0: Planned Global Investment of Roughly 907 Billion USD by 2020
According to a new global study on “Industry 4.0: Building the digital enterprise” by auditing and consultancy firm PwC, manufacturing companies intend to invest around five percent of their revenue in digitalization by the year 20...
Connected Trains: All Onboard the Kontron IoT COTS Express
Whether taking the commuter train or a cross-country or intercontinental express, we hope to take for granted that reasonable standards of comfort, safety, security and reliability are provided – wherever and whenever we climb onboard. B...
The Future of Communications in an IoT World
The future of the IoT is inextricably linked to the performance of next generation networks. These must keep pace with the exponential growth in network traffic that the IoT will inevitably create as mankind, machines, and everyth...
Five Key Attributes of NFV-Optimized Server Infrastructure
Looking at the development of mobile video and the IoT, the service provider market is changing dramatically. Margins for their traditional services are dwindling while many new and potentially lucrative revenue opportunities are waiting in...
My Smart Home (and why it’s still a Dream)
I assume the Isaac Asimov was right: “Luxury is something you could easily get used to”. Why? Because when I enter my home in the evening and switch on the light, I do not really care. I assume it’s the same for most of you....
Aircraft Interior Expo (AIX) 2015: Going Beyond the Passenger
The In-flight Entertainment (IFE) Zone at this year’s Aircraft Interior Expo (AIX) (5-7 April at Hamburg Messe/Germany) had increased over 30% from last year with about 150 companies representing their products and services. Thi...
Which Skills do we need for a successful IoT Project?
More than 40 percent of organizations expect the Internet of Things (IoT) to transform their business or offer significant new revenue or cost-savings opportunities in the short term (over the next three years), rising to 60 perce...
The Embedded World – which are the Steps for the Future?
Extreme miniaturization combined with much higher computing power, efficient communication in network and mobile systems – the developers of embedded systems actually have to fulfill enormous demands. The security of electronic systems, d...
Is your Business still dumb?
Last week I read a very interesting article from one of the world’s leading technology forecasters and CEO of Burrus Research, Daniel Burrus. He asked, if we are ready for innovation and transformation. With transforma...
Our IoT Vision
Nowadays we talk about IoT – a lot. For good reason! We @Kontron think that IoT is transforming for many industries and will greatly impact all levels of our daily life. But what is our detailed approach to IoT? And what makes u...
Are Smart Meters really a smart Idea?
When I was in Mumbai I learned that in some areas there is no tap-water for some hours each day. People, who can afford it, can buy a tank with fresh water outside for the day. Or at least this was my understanding from what the guide told ...
Wireless In-Flight-Entertainment (IFE): The next Step for Connecting Avionics Systems?
More space while sitting, personalized entertainment concepts and always online: Flying in the future should above all be a continuation of lifestyle on the ground. What sounds like wishful thinking, could be reality in a few years. But so ...
Can Digital Healthcare save Lifes?
IT-based networking has become an indispensable part of the health sector. Whether app or software – experts are sure – Digital Healthcare optimizes the quality and effectiveness of the procedures in doctors’ offices and hos...
Why we should not bemoan the loss of 2G
When I was still a quite small boy my grandfather gave me an old radio. This one was still using vacuum tubes and was of course only mono. There were just a handful FM (UKW) stations at that time, but I really enjoyed the gift. Today I’m ...
IoT: So What…?
Why it is important to communicate the Benefits of IoT to the Customer When I was a little boy, I never got the point my grandfather made. He was so proud because he managed to get 4 flavors of apples from one tree. And he managed to engra...
Retail Connected: Smart Mirrors and Virtual Car Showrooms
Isn’t this a Ladies dream: digital wardrobe and smart mirrors?! While I was in College, one of my classmates recreated the outfit management software from the movie Clueless, a 90s cult classic, as a class project. The concept shown ...
A long and healthy life – Connected Medical Devices
A visit to the local hospital during a business trip or vacation abroad is not a welcome interruption. Many hospitals around the world provide equally good care but with language barriers and without access to the patient’s health records...
Is this really the 21st century of Technology?
Water is a precious commodity in California as we are dependent on seasonal rainfall and melting snow from the mountain ranges to supply a very thirsty state – not only for personal use but for commercial and agricultural use. When the ne...
Maintenance Free Products – Connecting the world
We are all accustomed to communicating with family, friends and colleagues near and far. When far apart from each, the ability to connect reliably to each other in an instant makes the world feel like a “smaller” place. It is ‘a small...
When is ubiquitous connectivity becoming reality?  
For anyone who use public transport, such as trains, buses, planes or ferries, to get to and from work, having a reliable internet connectivity while on the move is highly desirable but quite challenging. Even with widespread cellular ...
Can connectivity really replace real networking?
This week I was at EE Live in San Jose CA – the West coast’s version of one of the more preeminent embedded computing technology events  where the latest and greatest in technology is showcased here in  Silicon Valle...
What about you?
As I was driving into work the other morning it occurred to me just how much technology surrounds us but that we take for granted that it should always be there. Cars now have everything from satellite connectivity to proximity safety senso...
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