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Contact SupportFor support related inquires, please contact our support team:
Contact SupportKontron has a breadth of successful embedded computing deployments in transportation. Our solutions range from the railways and ticketing to in-vehicle for autonomy and ruggedized environments. These solutions are focused on extending the capabilities of the transportation industry.
Mar 20, 2025
News: JUMPtec® offers COM-HPC Client Size C now based on Intel® Core™ Processors (Series 2)
Mar 13, 2025
News: JUMPtec® expands its strategic solution portfolio with Texas Instruments processors
Mar 13, 2025
News: Kontron Strengthens European Technological Expertise with New 5G M.2 Module
Vital computing platforms for wayside interlocking SIL-4 systems
Providing a SIL-4certifiable open architecture for railway wayside environments
moreComputing power for smart trains
High-performance PC with EN 50155 for the full range of train communication
moreAutonomous Driving with Racing Feeling
Electric and Autonomous Driving are THE essential buzzwords for innovation in the automotive world. In Formula Student, they come to life by students ...
moreVehicle Diagnostics
Kontron helps leading vehicle diagnostics company Hella Gutmann keep pace with the ever-changing communications requirements of major car manufacturer. ...
moreAutonomous Driving
Read how our COM Express® Module is working perfect for application from b-plus with its flexibility, bandwith, reliability and the required graphics. ...
moreReliable even in an emergency
Kontron 19“ Industrial PC as the heart of telephony gateways for mission critical communication and emergency call centers.
moreCollecting Data from LoRaWan Sensors on High Speed Trains
At the end of a successful 18 months pilot phase, Thalys is highly satisfied with their initial experience of Kontron’s IoT gateway, especially with ...
moreSmart Transportation applications developed by Kontron and S&T
Kontron and S&T developed various Smart Transportation applications using the latest technology.
moreVenturo in public transportation
To equip approximately 2,500 buses and LRTs (Light Rail Transit vehicles) utilizing distributed heterogeneous embedded systems, the Belgian Walloon Regional ...
moreSiemens Optiguide
During March 2007 a series of QinetiQ research activities culminated with a Royal Air Force (RAF) pilot successfully controlling multiple unmanned aircraft ...
文章介绍了一款由ICT软件工程公司针对汽车OEM厂商而提供的COM Express®迷你型导航演示的人机界面(HMI),作为应用开发的参照平台。 ...
moreTunnel Safety Requires Sound Performance from Rugged Computers
Automated video surveillance promises to increase the safety of tunnels used by road traffic and reduce tunnel operating costs at the same time.
MASSIVE是一种具备科技含量的电力能源配送系统,在单个监控环境下集成监控的所有的电力配送功能。操作环境包括显示根据周边环境“实时”数据所反... ...
moreIn-Car PC
Today, a company can’t be successful by trying to cover all bases. Successful companies are those that concentrate on their core competencies and increase ...
上世纪90年代中期的几起大型沉船事故,如“Jan Heweliucz”和“Estonia”号的沉没导致了航行中航行记录仪的强制应用。在飞行中也同样如此,使用航海中相似的设备。 ...
moreIntel, the world's largest chip maker, is also a leading manufacturer of computer, networking and communications products. The Intel® Communications Alliance is a community of communications, embedded developers and solutions providers committed to the development of modular standards-based solutions based on Intel technologies. Intel and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.