Application tips
Give your application a personal touch and ensure that the material you submit - and you
- will not be easily forgotten.
You only have one chance to make a first impression, after all.
This is particularly true for your application.
Presenting a good application isn't at all difficult if you know what's important when submitting it. Your application should provide us with a brief outline of your personality, qualifications and experience. Convince us. Show us who you are, what motivates you, and why you'd like to join us.
You should take the following points into particular consideration:
1. Make sure that your application forms are filled out completely.
Good applications generally include an
- address,
- curriculum vitae (CV) or resume
- copies of all certificates of relevance to your profession.
2. Give us an impression of yourself and your motivation in a brief but informative cover letter.
The cover letter should answer the following questions:
- Which job are you applying for?
- What do you find interesting about our company, and the respective division/department/area?
- What do you expect from the job for which you are applying?
- What are the aspects about you and the particular strengths that should convince us to hire you?
3. Attach an up-to-date curriculum vitae or resume:
- Start with your last occupation, and avoid gaps in your employment history.
- Clearly document any and all education and/or relevant training.
- Ensure that there is an easy overview of the curriculum vitae/resume for the reader.
4. Provide evidence of your professionalism by complying with all formal criteria of professional correspondence, and by complying with related standards:
- Check your documents for spelling and wording errors.
- Ensure that the structure is clear, and offers a good overview, and that the CV/resume is easy to read.
- Ensure that copies of your certificates can be read easily.
- When applying online, or by e-mail, ensure that any attached files can be opened on any computer (ideally in PDF format and not larger than 2 MB).