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Support kontaktierenACE FLIGHT™ 2780-AC AMU
Kontron’s Auxiliary Modem Unit (AMU) has been designed in accordance with the ARINC 791/792 supplements being developed by the ARINC subcommittee working groups. The AMU provides the option for one or two additional satellite modems to be installed onto the aircraft with a traditional 4MCU MODMAN. This allows the aircraft the ability to utilize different satellite operators by selecting the appropriate modem during flight. In response to this need, Kontron has designed its ACE Flight 2780 AMU product family to support the different modem suppliers in a common 2MCU LRU (ordering options). This product line has been rigorously tested and qualified to DO-160G environmental conditions for airborne applications.
The ACE Flight 2780 was also designed so that it can be used as a standalone MODMAN Lite solution. In this configuration, the AMU is the only satellite modem on the aircraft and is directly connected to the antenna assembly and onboard server.
[ ace_flight_2780_ac_datasheet.pdf, 1.07 MB, May.24.2023 ]
General Safety Instruction
[ general-safety-instructions.pdf, 628.88 KB, Aug.02.2024 ]
Kontron Services Brochure
[ kontron-services-brochure.pdf, 8.9 MB, Dec.17.2020 ]
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