In-depth Analysis of Performance, Cost, and Flexibility Factors
HerunterladenHarnessing Computer-on-Modules for Enhanced Precision and Flexibility
HerunterladenKontron hat als weltweit erstes Unternehmen die 13. Generation Intel® CoreTM Mobile Prozessoren auf COM Express® mini verfügbar gemacht. Die neuen High-Per- formance ...
HerunterladenIn response to the growing high performance computing requirements and to ensure Computer-on-Modules remain fit-for-purpose long into the future, a new High Performance Computing ...
HerunterladenRasch wachsende Netzwerkgrößen und Datenmengen im industriellen Internet der Dinge bringen bestehende, oft proprietäre Netzwerkprotokolle an ihre Grenzen. Als offenes ...
HerunterladenThis paper discusses how SMARC™ module is continuing to evolve to ensure system designers, SIs and OEMs can meet the ongoing challenges of cost-effectively deve-loping ...
HerunterladenIn der Lebensmittel- und Pharmaindustrie sind Visualisierungssysteme mit speziellen Eigenschaften erforderlich, die eine gründliche Reinigung und Desinfektion ermöglichen. ...
HerunterladenMit Kontrons neuestem, leistungsfähigen Rackmount-Server KISS 4U V3 SKX das wachsende Potenzial von KI-gestützter Predictive Maintenance ausschöpfen.
HerunterladenDie digitale Transformation und der Aufbau einer agilen Serviceorganisation werden für Unternehmen zunehmend zu einem strategischen und entscheidenden Wettbewerbsfaktor. ...
HerunterladenA range of industry applications face escalating demand for high-performance embedded computing: The new standard COM-HPC is the answer.
HerunterladenThis paper discusses SMARC’s ongoing evolution to ensure system designers/ OEMs can address the IoT requirements for more rapid and cost-effective development.
HerunterladenKontron offers the new AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 also on COM Express® Compact, thus in a form factor that is much smaller than alternative offers. Read about the possibilities. ...
HerunterladenThe powerful “Zen” microarchitecture offers the entire AMD world on the 95 x 95 millimeter COM Express Compact form factor. We compare performance details to other providers. ...
HerunterladenThe new COM Express Type 7 standard is ideally suited to maximising the multicore processing power of the latest Intel® Xeon® D-1500 and Atom® C3000 processor family of ...
HerunterladenServer Class Motherboard Provides Both Power and Performance in Confined Spaces
Meeting the rising demand for superior compute performance in tasks like robotic surgery and advanced diagnostics, the Kontron K9051-C ATX server class motherboard offers ...
mehrTaking control
Robot manufacturer strengthens global reputation for quality with Kontron motherboards.
An industrial customer approached Kontron for a solution to replace current COMe module with one that increased performance, lowered cost, and supported 10Gb Ethernet. Kontron ...
mehrRechenpower für smarte Züge
High-Performance-PC mit EN 50155 für die komplette Zug-Kommunikation
How Ectron is tapping into AI and machine learning to further modernize industrial baking, yielding greater efficiency for consistently delicious baked goods
mehrComputer Vision made easy
No-Code AI Lösung mit vorinstalliertem Software Bundle und performanter AI Workstation
mehrAutonomes Fahren im Rennsport
Elektrisches und autonomes Fahren sind die Innovationsbegriffe der Automobilwelt. In der Formula Student füllen Studierende sie mit Leben - unterstützt von Kontron.
mehrVehikel Diagnose
Kontron unterstützt das führende Fahrzeugdiagnoseunternehmen Hella Gutmann, mit den sich ständig ändernden Kommunikationsanforderungen großer Automobilhersteller Schritt ...
mehrFabEagle® LC - Fertigungsautomation
Papierlose Fertigung - Leitrechner für die Herstellung pharmazeutischer Primärverpackung
mehrFabEagle® LC - Factory Automation
Line Controller for Combustion Engine Production at Textron Motors GmbH
mehrAutonomes Fahren
Erfahren Sie wie perfekt unser COM Express® Modul für die Applikation unseres Kunden b-plus passt wegen seiner Flexibilität, Bandbreite, Zuverlässigkeit und der erforderlichen ...
mehrEquipmentCloud® - Cloudbasiertes Kundenportal für die Projektkommunikation
INTUITIV, ZEITSPAREND, AGIL: Cloudbasiertes Kundenportal für die Projektkommunikation
mehrEquipmentCloud® für die DB Netz AG
Die Integration der Zugbildungsanlage Seddin Nord- Süd in die EquipmentCloud® der Kontron AIS erfolgt über ein IoT Gateway.
mehrRoboter für alle
Kontron Embedded Box PC als Schaltzentrale in einer innovativen Roboter Teaching Lösung.
mehrZuverlässig auch im Notfall
Kontron 19“ Industrie PC als Herzstück von Telefonie Gateways für betriebskritische Kommunikationslösungen und Notrufzentralen.
mehrEctron Corporation
Kontron COM Express modules help Ectron reap the rewards from its new range of Industrial IoT Edge Computers.
mehrComputer-on-Modules Invade HPC
Ready for Today’s Demanding Embedded & IoT Projects with compact and efficient computer-on-modules (COMs) to support some of the most sophisticated embedded processors ...
mehrZukunftssicher: Predictive Maintenance und KI
Mit Kontrons neuestem, leistungsfähigen Rackmount-Server KISS 4U V3 SKX das wachsende Potenzial von KI-gestützter Predictive Maintenance ausschöpfen.
mehrSensornetzwerk für die smarte Fabrik
KINEXON realisiert intelligente Navigation für fahrerlose Fahrzeuge
mehrIntelligente Steuerung aller Druckprozesse
Kontrons Industrie Computer Plattform ist das Herzstück des neuen Hochleistungs-Leitstands von Heidelberg.
mehrSmart Factory Automation
Kontron puts KBox Industrial Computer Platforms to work on its paperless shop floor.
mehrVon der Idee zur industriellen Form
voxeljet setzt für seine industriellen 3D-Drucker auf KISS Rackmounts von Kontron. 3D-Drucksysteme haben viele Industriebereiche revolutioniert. Automobilindustrie, Flugzeughersteller ...
mehrHeidelberg Postpress vertraut auf Embedded Technologie von Kontron
Heidelberg Postpress hat für die Bedienung seiner Papierfalzmaschinen gemeinsam mit Kontron einen hochwertigen Steuerungs-IPC entwickelt, der sich über einen Touch-Screen ...
mehrKontrons IoT-Technologien helfen Malaysischen Reisbauern
Kontrons Industrial Computing Platform ermöglicht innovative IoT Präzisionsackerbau-Lösung. Die hohe Nachfrage nach Reis setzt die Wasserreserven des Landes unter Druck. ...
mehrHigh-speed Vision-Systeme nach Maß
Individuelle Bildverarbeitungslösungen mit CompactPCI® Serial
mehrHigh-Performance Control for Mining Trucks
Mining trucks are huge transport vehicles used on open-cast mines all over the globe, and the T 282 C made by Liebherr is the most powerful model in the world.
mehrIntelligent positioning systems
To enable faster and more precise positioning with less wear and tear of transfer carriages in automatic warehouses, the Automotive Aftermarket Business Unit of Robert Bosch ...
mehrKontron COMs help Glacier industrial computers keep their cool
CHALLENGE: Glacier Computer needed a powerful and rugged small form factor embedded computing solution for its industrialbased Everest products.
mehrRobust and long-term available Panel PC in a cost-effective housing
In order to improve order picking for the large base of small warehouses and assemblies, SSI Schaefer developed an affordable Pick-by-Light (PbL) system, which helps workers ...
mehrLaser control in semi-custom design - TRUMPF migrates from VME to customized Computer-on-Module design
With the migration from VMEbus to a solution with Computer-on-Modules on tailor made carrier boards, the new laser control ...
mehriNOEX relies on Intel Atom processor-based HMIs with the Kontron Nano Client Panel PC
The Intel Atom processor-based Kontron Nano Client panel PC with stainless steel housing has been implemented as a visualization client and HMI ...
mehrKontron Panel PC controls biogas plants with Open Source software from Awite
For the smooth operation and economic success of biogas plants, robust and durable components with long-term availability are essential factors.
mehrSoccer player versus machine
The Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML) in Dortmund, Germany has developed a robot goalkeeper with lightning fast reflexes that is a match for even ...
mehrAgent software from Asentics with multicore industrial servers from Kontron
The new agent-based software architecture from Asentics for industrial image processing on surface inspection applications, such as PCB inspection, takes full advantage of ...
mehrSophisticated Image Processing
Sophisticated image processing systems are becoming an increasingly indispensible part of quality control on automated filling and packaging lines that require zero failure ...
mehrSurviving in Death Valley
Before a vehicle reaches the mass production stage, countless measurements need to be made to coordinate all components optimally. Mobile measuring systems specialist Suchy ...
mehrProduction Planning and Control System in the Automotive Industry
The target of this project was to create the entire system that monitors the production process on the semiautomatic production machines, records all system alarm and fault ...
mehrRobust Control Technology in use Underground Worldwide
Eickhoff shearer loaders use modular CompactPCI hardware from Kontron and the CoDeSys Soft PLC together with Profibus and CANopen in a single-system solution.
CompactPCI computers control automated systems in open-cast mining operations. The objective was clear: a control system on a bucket-wheel excavator for mining lignite, a ...
mehrHMI for the Printing Industry - Printing Press
Replacement of PLCs and NC controls by IPC based controls A customized HMI is integrated into the operating panel of a sheet fed offset printing press, which can do double-sided ...
mehrLaser Control
The laser is a universal tool for non-contact cutting, welding, marking, drilling, punching and forming materials. It is not subject to wear and tear. A 6U CompactPCI system ...
mehrIn response to the growing high performance computing requirements and to ensure Computer-on-Modules remain fit-for-purpose long into the future, a new High Performance Computing ...
HerunterladenA range of industry applications face escalating demand for high-performance embedded computing: The new standard COM-HPC is the answer.
HerunterladenThis paper discusses SMARC’s ongoing evolution to ensure system designers/ OEMs can address the IoT requirements for more rapid and cost-effective development.
HerunterladenKontron offers the new AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 also on COM Express® Compact, thus in a form factor that is much smaller than alternative offers. Read about the possibilities. ...
HerunterladenThe powerful “Zen” microarchitecture offers the entire AMD world on the 95 x 95 millimeter COM Express Compact form factor. We compare performance details to other providers. ...
HerunterladenThe new COM Express Type 7 standard is ideally suited to maximising the multicore processing power of the latest Intel® Xeon® D-1500 and Atom® C3000 processor family of ...
HerunterladenDual Modem MODMAN Enabling Efficiency and Functionality
When a customer needed a MODMAN to accommodate two satellite modems in a single 4MCU LRU with ARINC 791/792 standards, Kontron developed the high-performing ACE Flight 4783 ...
mehrAutonomes Fahren
Erfahren Sie wie perfekt unser COM Express® Modul für die Applikation unseres Kunden b-plus passt wegen seiner Flexibilität, Bandbreite, Zuverlässigkeit und der erforderlichen ...
mehrNext generation SATCOM Terminals
Kontron’s extensive IFE&C experience leveraged into providing the management hardware backbone for next generation ESA based terminals. Learn the benefits of partnering ...
mehrAirborne Transceiver Server Unit (ATSU)
The ATSU was designed to bring broadband internet connectivity to commercial aircraft. In a single conduction-cooled, 6MCU chassis, AP Avionx/AP Labs (now Kontron) was the ...
mehrServer Management Unit (SMU) and Modem Data Unit (MDU)
The Server Management Unit and Modem Data Unit are critical elements of Row 44’s satellite-based broadband system that provides in-flight Internet connectivity ...
mehrATG Communication Unit (AACU)
The AACU provides a high performance air-to-ground (ATG) communication link. The advanced solution incorporates the ATG EV-DO Rev. A radio modem, an embedded GPS receiver ...
mehrEnhanced Terminal Wireless LAN Unit (eTWLU)
The eTWLU is a small sealed ARINC-763 compliant transceiver that supports multiple high speed wireless protocols. This multi-protocol support enables the operation of the ...
mehrIn-depth Analysis of Performance, Cost, and Flexibility Factors
HerunterladenHarnessing Computer-on-Modules for Enhanced Precision and Flexibility
HerunterladenKontron hat als weltweit erstes Unternehmen die 13. Generation Intel® CoreTM Mobile Prozessoren auf COM Express® mini verfügbar gemacht. Die neuen High-Per- formance ...
HerunterladenIn response to the growing high performance computing requirements and to ensure Computer-on-Modules remain fit-for-purpose long into the future, a new High Performance Computing ...
HerunterladenRasch wachsende Netzwerkgrößen und Datenmengen im industriellen Internet der Dinge bringen bestehende, oft proprietäre Netzwerkprotokolle an ihre Grenzen. Als offenes ...
HerunterladenThis paper discusses how SMARC™ module is continuing to evolve to ensure system designers, SIs and OEMs can meet the ongoing challenges of cost-effectively deve-loping ...
HerunterladenIn der Lebensmittel- und Pharmaindustrie sind Visualisierungssysteme mit speziellen Eigenschaften erforderlich, die eine gründliche Reinigung und Desinfektion ermöglichen. ...
HerunterladenMit Kontrons neuestem, leistungsfähigen Rackmount-Server KISS 4U V3 SKX das wachsende Potenzial von KI-gestützter Predictive Maintenance ausschöpfen.
HerunterladenDie digitale Transformation und der Aufbau einer agilen Serviceorganisation werden für Unternehmen zunehmend zu einem strategischen und entscheidenden Wettbewerbsfaktor. ...
HerunterladenA range of industry applications face escalating demand for high-performance embedded computing: The new standard COM-HPC is the answer.
HerunterladenThis paper discusses SMARC’s ongoing evolution to ensure system designers/ OEMs can address the IoT requirements for more rapid and cost-effective development.
HerunterladenKontron offers the new AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 also on COM Express® Compact, thus in a form factor that is much smaller than alternative offers. Read about the possibilities. ...
HerunterladenThe powerful “Zen” microarchitecture offers the entire AMD world on the 95 x 95 millimeter COM Express Compact form factor. We compare performance details to other providers. ...
HerunterladenThe new COM Express Type 7 standard is ideally suited to maximising the multicore processing power of the latest Intel® Xeon® D-1500 and Atom® C3000 processor family of ...
HerunterladenServer Class Motherboard Provides Both Power and Performance in Confined Spaces
Meeting the rising demand for superior compute performance in tasks like robotic surgery and advanced diagnostics, the Kontron K9051-C ATX server class motherboard offers ...
mehrTaking control
Robot manufacturer strengthens global reputation for quality with Kontron motherboards.
An industrial customer approached Kontron for a solution to replace current COMe module with one that increased performance, lowered cost, and supported 10Gb Ethernet. Kontron ...
mehrRechenpower für smarte Züge
High-Performance-PC mit EN 50155 für die komplette Zug-Kommunikation
How Ectron is tapping into AI and machine learning to further modernize industrial baking, yielding greater efficiency for consistently delicious baked goods
mehrComputer Vision made easy
No-Code AI Lösung mit vorinstalliertem Software Bundle und performanter AI Workstation
mehrAutonomes Fahren im Rennsport
Elektrisches und autonomes Fahren sind die Innovationsbegriffe der Automobilwelt. In der Formula Student füllen Studierende sie mit Leben - unterstützt von Kontron.
mehrVehikel Diagnose
Kontron unterstützt das führende Fahrzeugdiagnoseunternehmen Hella Gutmann, mit den sich ständig ändernden Kommunikationsanforderungen großer Automobilhersteller Schritt ...
mehrFabEagle® LC - Fertigungsautomation
Papierlose Fertigung - Leitrechner für die Herstellung pharmazeutischer Primärverpackung
mehrFabEagle® LC - Factory Automation
Line Controller for Combustion Engine Production at Textron Motors GmbH
mehrAutonomes Fahren
Erfahren Sie wie perfekt unser COM Express® Modul für die Applikation unseres Kunden b-plus passt wegen seiner Flexibilität, Bandbreite, Zuverlässigkeit und der erforderlichen ...
mehrEquipmentCloud® - Cloudbasiertes Kundenportal für die Projektkommunikation
INTUITIV, ZEITSPAREND, AGIL: Cloudbasiertes Kundenportal für die Projektkommunikation
mehrEquipmentCloud® für die DB Netz AG
Die Integration der Zugbildungsanlage Seddin Nord- Süd in die EquipmentCloud® der Kontron AIS erfolgt über ein IoT Gateway.
mehrRoboter für alle
Kontron Embedded Box PC als Schaltzentrale in einer innovativen Roboter Teaching Lösung.
mehrZuverlässig auch im Notfall
Kontron 19“ Industrie PC als Herzstück von Telefonie Gateways für betriebskritische Kommunikationslösungen und Notrufzentralen.
mehrEctron Corporation
Kontron COM Express modules help Ectron reap the rewards from its new range of Industrial IoT Edge Computers.
mehrComputer-on-Modules Invade HPC
Ready for Today’s Demanding Embedded & IoT Projects with compact and efficient computer-on-modules (COMs) to support some of the most sophisticated embedded processors ...
mehrZukunftssicher: Predictive Maintenance und KI
Mit Kontrons neuestem, leistungsfähigen Rackmount-Server KISS 4U V3 SKX das wachsende Potenzial von KI-gestützter Predictive Maintenance ausschöpfen.
mehrSensornetzwerk für die smarte Fabrik
KINEXON realisiert intelligente Navigation für fahrerlose Fahrzeuge
mehrIntelligente Steuerung aller Druckprozesse
Kontrons Industrie Computer Plattform ist das Herzstück des neuen Hochleistungs-Leitstands von Heidelberg.
mehrSmart Factory Automation
Kontron puts KBox Industrial Computer Platforms to work on its paperless shop floor.
mehrVon der Idee zur industriellen Form
voxeljet setzt für seine industriellen 3D-Drucker auf KISS Rackmounts von Kontron. 3D-Drucksysteme haben viele Industriebereiche revolutioniert. Automobilindustrie, Flugzeughersteller ...
mehrHeidelberg Postpress vertraut auf Embedded Technologie von Kontron
Heidelberg Postpress hat für die Bedienung seiner Papierfalzmaschinen gemeinsam mit Kontron einen hochwertigen Steuerungs-IPC entwickelt, der sich über einen Touch-Screen ...
mehrKontrons IoT-Technologien helfen Malaysischen Reisbauern
Kontrons Industrial Computing Platform ermöglicht innovative IoT Präzisionsackerbau-Lösung. Die hohe Nachfrage nach Reis setzt die Wasserreserven des Landes unter Druck. ...
mehrHigh-speed Vision-Systeme nach Maß
Individuelle Bildverarbeitungslösungen mit CompactPCI® Serial
mehrHigh-Performance Control for Mining Trucks
Mining trucks are huge transport vehicles used on open-cast mines all over the globe, and the T 282 C made by Liebherr is the most powerful model in the world.
mehrIntelligent positioning systems
To enable faster and more precise positioning with less wear and tear of transfer carriages in automatic warehouses, the Automotive Aftermarket Business Unit of Robert Bosch ...
mehrKontron COMs help Glacier industrial computers keep their cool
CHALLENGE: Glacier Computer needed a powerful and rugged small form factor embedded computing solution for its industrialbased Everest products.
mehrRobust and long-term available Panel PC in a cost-effective housing
In order to improve order picking for the large base of small warehouses and assemblies, SSI Schaefer developed an affordable Pick-by-Light (PbL) system, which helps workers ...
mehrLaser control in semi-custom design - TRUMPF migrates from VME to customized Computer-on-Module design
With the migration from VMEbus to a solution with Computer-on-Modules on tailor made carrier boards, the new laser control ...
mehriNOEX relies on Intel Atom processor-based HMIs with the Kontron Nano Client Panel PC
The Intel Atom processor-based Kontron Nano Client panel PC with stainless steel housing has been implemented as a visualization client and HMI ...
mehrKontron Panel PC controls biogas plants with Open Source software from Awite
For the smooth operation and economic success of biogas plants, robust and durable components with long-term availability are essential factors.
mehrSoccer player versus machine
The Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML) in Dortmund, Germany has developed a robot goalkeeper with lightning fast reflexes that is a match for even ...
mehrAgent software from Asentics with multicore industrial servers from Kontron
The new agent-based software architecture from Asentics for industrial image processing on surface inspection applications, such as PCB inspection, takes full advantage of ...
mehrSophisticated Image Processing
Sophisticated image processing systems are becoming an increasingly indispensible part of quality control on automated filling and packaging lines that require zero failure ...
mehrSurviving in Death Valley
Before a vehicle reaches the mass production stage, countless measurements need to be made to coordinate all components optimally. Mobile measuring systems specialist Suchy ...
mehrProduction Planning and Control System in the Automotive Industry
The target of this project was to create the entire system that monitors the production process on the semiautomatic production machines, records all system alarm and fault ...
mehrRobust Control Technology in use Underground Worldwide
Eickhoff shearer loaders use modular CompactPCI hardware from Kontron and the CoDeSys Soft PLC together with Profibus and CANopen in a single-system solution.
CompactPCI computers control automated systems in open-cast mining operations. The objective was clear: a control system on a bucket-wheel excavator for mining lignite, a ...
mehrHMI for the Printing Industry - Printing Press
Replacement of PLCs and NC controls by IPC based controls A customized HMI is integrated into the operating panel of a sheet fed offset printing press, which can do double-sided ...
mehrLaser Control
The laser is a universal tool for non-contact cutting, welding, marking, drilling, punching and forming materials. It is not subject to wear and tear. A 6U CompactPCI system ...
mehrThe Aerospace and defense landscape requires innovation, agility and cost-efficiency. The SOSA™ (Sensor Open Systems Architecture) standard is transforming the ...
HerunterladenIn-depth Analysis of Performance, Cost, and Flexibility Factors
HerunterladenKontron hat als weltweit erstes Unternehmen die 13. Generation Intel® CoreTM Mobile Prozessoren auf COM Express® mini verfügbar gemacht. Die neuen High-Per- formance ...
HerunterladenIn response to the growing high performance computing requirements and to ensure Computer-on-Modules remain fit-for-purpose long into the future, a new High Performance Computing ...
HerunterladenIntegrated Mission Computing represents a new approach to developing and implementing rugged computing systems. It gives system integrators a new tool for their system-design ...
HerunterladenA method of turning classical embedded computers into secured servers by embedding firewall / router functions that can be remotely managed.
HerunterladenIn this whitepaper we explore the SOSA Technical Standard and its potential for transformative effects on sensor system development.
HerunterladenA range of industry applications face escalating demand for high-performance embedded computing: The new standard COM-HPC is the answer.
HerunterladenThis paper discusses SMARC’s ongoing evolution to ensure system designers/ OEMs can address the IoT requirements for more rapid and cost-effective development.
HerunterladenKontron offers the new AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 also on COM Express® Compact, thus in a form factor that is much smaller than alternative offers. Read about the possibilities. ...
HerunterladenThe powerful “Zen” microarchitecture offers the entire AMD world on the 95 x 95 millimeter COM Express Compact form factor. We compare performance details to other providers. ...
HerunterladenEmbedded Computers take care of our world. So computers must first take care of themselves.
HerunterladenThe new COM Express Type 7 standard is ideally suited to maximising the multicore processing power of the latest Intel® Xeon® D-1500 and Atom® C3000 processor family of ...
HerunterladenSmart application-specific profile options. Solving the build vs. buy dilemma.
HerunterladenFully sealed, modular small form factor. Kontron Cobalt delivers a trusted computing resource.
HerunterladenEvolving and advanced VME platforms extend their vitality in mil-aero design.
HerunterladenBuilding block solution is valuable design resource to speed development and cut costs
HerunterladenThis white paper describes the key parameters that must be mastered to achieve high data rates on VPX architectures. It explains some of the technologies used by Kontron ...
HerunterladenPower-on Built-In Test Solution for Kontron VPX & VME SBC For power-up test coverage and problem solving
HerunterladenDARC™ VX208 Rugged Mission Computer
Providing situational awareness capabilities to Armored Ground Vehicles
mehrCOBALT™ 901 with MIL-STD-1553
A defense customer needed a new platform with lower SWaP, security enhancement, and customized modifications. Kontron’s solution of using the COBALT™ 901 with MIL-STD-1553 ...
mehrCOBALT™ S1901
Rugged Conduction Cooled High Performance CPU/GPU Platform for Next Generation Technology Insertion
mehrKontron and Azimuth Sharpen the Department of Defense's Stiletto Boat Drug Interdiction
Azimuth, Incorporated has a long history as a government contractor successfully implementing and integrating the company’s specialty ...
mehrRobust multi-core technology for more accurate and faster mapping of the sea floor
6U CompactPCI multi-core computing technology from Kontron based on the PICMG 2.16 standard enables ATLAS Hydrographic Echosounder to generate more detailed and more accurate ...
mehrSingle Fastjet Pilot Flies Multiple Aircraft
During March 2007 a series of QinetiQ research activities culminated with a Royal Air Force (RAF) pilot successfully controlling multiple unmanned aircraft from the cockpit ...
mehrTurnkey Platform for Navy
Modern vessels such as frigate embark many computers. Massively parallel computation is required to process all signals for Radar, Sonar, Optronics, Electronic warfare applications ...
mehrMobile Radar System
Mobile Radar Systems are crucial to the artillery radar team to quickly locate enemy long-range artillery and rocket launcher positions. The system technology features include ...
mehrDigital Signal processing of Airborne Radars
Radars, and more sharply Signal Aperture Radars (SAR), digital processing systems needs an association of powerful processing nodes and efficient data interfaces to sustain ...
mehrAutonomous Underwater Vehicle
Kontron has supported Club S.O.N.I.A (Systeme d' Operation Nautique Intelligent et Autonome) from the Ecole de technologie superieure (a Technical University) in Montreal, ...
mehrInternational Space Station
DECLIC is a French generic experiment facility for scientific material research under a micro-gravity environment on board the International Space Station. Experiments are ...
mehrCommunication with Military Vehicles
Data and voice communications with military vehicles have very specific requirements. Besides "ordinary" functionality, the unit and all of its components which are placed ...
mehrCompactPCI MilPAC for Otomelara
Kontron has developed together with Otomelara, one of the leading military companies and part of the Finmeccanica group, a rugged portable solution within less than 6 months. ...
mehrIn response to the growing high performance computing requirements and to ensure Computer-on-Modules remain fit-for-purpose long into the future, a new High Performance Computing ...
HerunterladenA method of turning classical embedded computers into secured servers by embedding firewall / router functions that can be remotely managed.
HerunterladenIn der Lebensmittel- und Pharmaindustrie sind Visualisierungssysteme mit speziellen Eigenschaften erforderlich, die eine gründliche Reinigung und Desinfektion ermöglichen. ...
HerunterladenMit Kontrons neuestem, leistungsfähigen Rackmount-Server KISS 4U V3 SKX das wachsende Potenzial von KI-gestützter Predictive Maintenance ausschöpfen.
HerunterladenA range of industry applications face escalating demand for high-performance embedded computing: The new standard COM-HPC is the answer.
HerunterladenThis paper discusses SMARC’s ongoing evolution to ensure system designers/ OEMs can address the IoT requirements for more rapid and cost-effective development.
HerunterladenKontron offers the new AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 also on COM Express® Compact, thus in a form factor that is much smaller than alternative offers. Read about the possibilities. ...
HerunterladenThe powerful “Zen” microarchitecture offers the entire AMD world on the 95 x 95 millimeter COM Express Compact form factor. We compare performance details to other providers. ...
HerunterladenThe new COM Express Type 7 standard is ideally suited to maximising the multicore processing power of the latest Intel® Xeon® D-1500 and Atom® C3000 processor family of ...
HerunterladenComputer Vision made easy
No-Code AI Lösung mit vorinstalliertem Software Bundle und performanter AI Workstation
mehrZuverlässig auch im Notfall
Kontron 19“ Industrie PC als Herzstück von Telefonie Gateways für betriebskritische Kommunikationslösungen und Notrufzentralen.
mehrEctron Corporation
Kontron COM Express modules help Ectron reap the rewards from its new range of Industrial IoT Edge Computers.
mehrZukunftssicher: Predictive Maintenance und KI
Mit Kontrons neuestem, leistungsfähigen Rackmount-Server KISS 4U V3 SKX das wachsende Potenzial von KI-gestützter Predictive Maintenance ausschöpfen.
mehrEnergy Efficiency is a Competitive Factor
Fail-safe and maintenance-free systems fully utilize the potential of energy efficient manufacturing and help to sustain long term competitive advantage.
mehrKontron CRMS based on AMT now is working in Wind Power SCADA system
After several years explosive growth in a raw, the Chinese wind power market now steps into a stable developing phase. Kontron kept eyes in this market since 2005.
mehrPaperback format, mobile Panel PCs with ZigBee interfaces
The article features the new mobile and stationary eVISIO7 panel concept for wirless data recognition, manufactured by b-plus using COM Express® mini computer-on-modules ...
mehrKontron Panel PC controls biogas plants with Open Source software from Awite
For the smooth operation and economic success of biogas plants, robust and durable components with long-term availability are essential factors.
mehrPublic Water Way Control
Detzem, a small town in the middle of the wine-growing region about 25 km from Trier, is also the location of one of the four barrages on the Moselle. These systems usually ...
mehrTheo Hell Industrieelektrik Uses Kontron System for Monitoring and Control of Water Facilities
Every second, 100,000 liters of water roars through the two 22 metric ton valves of the Eifel Rurtalsperre Schwammenauel, the second largest reservoir ...
mehrAutomated Pump-and-Compressor Equipment Preventive Maintenance Control System
Today, intense competition amidst oil refineries and petroleum chemical plants forces plants and companies to find new ways of profit maximization...
mehrIn response to the growing high performance computing requirements and to ensure Computer-on-Modules remain fit-for-purpose long into the future, a new High Performance Computing ...
HerunterladenA range of industry applications face escalating demand for high-performance embedded computing: The new standard COM-HPC is the answer.
HerunterladenThis paper discusses SMARC’s ongoing evolution to ensure system designers/ OEMs can address the IoT requirements for more rapid and cost-effective development.
HerunterladenKontron offers the new AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 also on COM Express® Compact, thus in a form factor that is much smaller than alternative offers. Read about the possibilities. ...
HerunterladenThe powerful “Zen” microarchitecture offers the entire AMD world on the 95 x 95 millimeter COM Express Compact form factor. We compare performance details to other providers. ...
HerunterladenThe new COM Express Type 7 standard is ideally suited to maximising the multicore processing power of the latest Intel® Xeon® D-1500 and Atom® C3000 processor family of ...
HerunterladenRechenpower für smarte Züge
High-Performance-PC mit EN 50155 für die komplette Zug-Kommunikation
mehrComputer Vision made easy
No-Code AI Lösung mit vorinstalliertem Software Bundle und performanter AI Workstation
mehrOcean-going high-end entertainment platform - Embedded Box PCs in use as a multimedia entertainment system for luxury yachts
ABS GmbH in Saarbrücken, Germany has developed a new IP-based multimedia entertainment system ...
mehrPure Uninterrupted Graphics Action - Sophisticated Display Technology for Digital Pinball With CRTtoLCD
Kontron’s CRTtoLCD flat-panel controller provides display control in the world’s first digital pinball machine, TAB-Austria’s “Virtual Pinball.”.
mehrInfotainment with a robust IPC core - ETX turns infotainment displays into full-fledged computers
When it comes to perfect POS/POI infotainment, computer technology is the only platform that can combine all potential media.
mehrFlexible terminals create a relaxed shopping experience - Kontron develops embedded solution for Colruyt Group’s POS System
The food retail market is extremely competitive and budget-minded retailers must develop effective business processes...
mehrInformation Terminal
Visitor information terminal Autostadt Wolfsburg. Panel PC 15" Display with Touch Movement sensor Audio Height adjustable pedestal, i.e. the viewing area automatically adjusts ...
mehrProduction Information Terminal (FIT)
A specially developed terminal for the needs of rough industrial environments that permits workers to access necessary information directly at their work station.
mehrBanking Terminals
Developed and produced, Kontron is now providing the 3rd generation of account statement printer.
mehrGaming Terminals
Development and production of touch screen gaming terminals 15" or 19" display with ELO touchscreen technology Camera with automatic picture illumination Network variants ...
mehrPharmacy Cash Register
The silent compact cash register for phamacies Every necessary component integrated: operating system Windows 2000 bar code scanner prescription printer receipt printer customer ...
mehrPHIA© StehBar (Pharmacy Terminal)
A free standing terminal suitable for indoor areas Integrated PC (ISDN, DSL, WLAN, etc.) Integrated DIN A4 inkjet color printer Sound system 15" TFT touch display (with optional ...
mehrCar Access System Credit Cash
The Credit Cash from SKIDATA™ is designed for cashless payment and, unlike Easy Cash, accepts only credit cards.
mehrCar Access System Easy Cash
Easy Cash from SKIDATA™ is the optimal solution for the complex challenges of mid- and large size parking areas worldwide.
mehrTelephone Point
Slide-in model for communications business telephone points The primary function of the telephone point is the independantly changing presentation of advertising, user information, ...
mehrRead how single board computers (SBCs) enable the management of critical medical data and applications. Kontron is a leader in embedded computing, providing advanced SBCs ...
HerunterladenKI eröffnet neue Chancen bei der Patientenbehandlung in der Prävention, Diagnose und Therapie. Die Heilungschancen steigen mit dem Grad der Befundung.
HerunterladenIn-depth Analysis of Performance, Cost, and Flexibility Factors
HerunterladenHarnessing Computer-on-Modules for Enhanced Precision and Flexibility
HerunterladenKontron hat als weltweit erstes Unternehmen die 13. Generation Intel® CoreTM Mobile Prozessoren auf COM Express® mini verfügbar gemacht. Die neuen High-Per- formance ...
HerunterladenIn response to the growing high performance computing requirements and to ensure Computer-on-Modules remain fit-for-purpose long into the future, a new High Performance Computing ...
HerunterladenKontron‘s neue COM Express® Computer-on-Modules mit AMD RyzenTM Embedded V2000 Prozessor sind für Medical Computing Applikationen bei der Befundung und im OP wie gemacht: ...
HerunterladenThis paper discusses how SMARC™ module is continuing to evolve to ensure system designers, SIs and OEMs can meet the ongoing challenges of cost-effectively deve-loping ...
HerunterladenIn der Lebensmittel- und Pharmaindustrie sind Visualisierungssysteme mit speziellen Eigenschaften erforderlich, die eine gründliche Reinigung und Desinfektion ermöglichen. ...
HerunterladenKI eröffnet neue Chancen bei der Patientenbehandlung in der Prävention, Diagnose und Therapie. Die Heilungschancen steigen mit dem Grad der Befundung.
HerunterladenDurch das IoT verändert sich der Markt für Medizingeräte schnell und somit auch die Anforderungen an Motherboard Hersteller. Kontron bietet die ideale Lösung für ...
HerunterladenA range of industry applications face escalating demand for high-performance embedded computing: The new standard COM-HPC is the answer.
HerunterladenThis paper discusses SMARC’s ongoing evolution to ensure system designers/ OEMs can address the IoT requirements for more rapid and cost-effective development.
HerunterladenKontron offers the new AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 also on COM Express® Compact, thus in a form factor that is much smaller than alternative offers. Read about the possibilities. ...
HerunterladenThe powerful “Zen” microarchitecture offers the entire AMD world on the 95 x 95 millimeter COM Express Compact form factor. We compare performance details to other providers. ...
HerunterladenOutsourcing helps medical companies fill proficiency gaps and keep pace with innovation. It minimizes technology investments to accelerate time-to-market and increases ROI. ...
HerunterladenThe new COM Express Type 7 standard is ideally suited to maximising the multicore processing power of the latest Intel® Xeon® D-1500 and Atom® C3000 processor family of ...
HerunterladenDigitale Transformation im Gesundheitswesen
KI eröffnet neue Chancen bei der Patientenbehandlung in der Prävention, Diagnose und Therapie. Die Heilungschancen steigen mit dem Grad der Befundung.
mehrX-ray Vision
Medical manufacturer realizes the market potential of portable X-ray device based on Kontron’s SMARC-sXAL4.
mehrDNA Sequencing System
Kontron’s COMe-bEP7 gives a DNA sequence system the memory boost it needs.
mehrRadiation Control System
Kontron’s upgraded control system helps treat cancer for a medical OEM.
mehrA SMARC Approach to Medical Device Life Extension
A medical manufacturer maximizes investment in essential system with retrofit Kontron Computer on Module solution upgrade.
mehrRobotic Surgery
Kontron‘s reliable high quality medical building blocks increase patient safety and reduce overall cost of ownership
mehrComputer Vision made easy
No-Code AI Lösung mit vorinstalliertem Software Bundle und performanter AI Workstation
mehrRoboter für alle
Kontron Embedded Box PC als Schaltzentrale in einer innovativen Roboter Teaching Lösung.
mehrZuverlässig auch im Notfall
Kontron 19“ Industrie PC als Herzstück von Telefonie Gateways für betriebskritische Kommunikationslösungen und Notrufzentralen.
mehrBetter Insight for Surgeons
Der Roboterarm „Soloassist II“ von der AKTORmed GmbH erleichtert Chirurgen im Krankenhaus erheblich die Arbeit, in dem sie Endoskope mittels Spracherkennung eigenständig ...
mehrOptimizing emergency patient care with Kontron’s COM Express modules
Optimizing emergency patient care with Kontron’s COM Express modules
mehrMobile vision screening device using COM Express® mini COM
Vistec AG has developed Optovist, a patented mobile vision screening device for vision testing which features innovative computer technology.
mehrImaging – Mobile Diagnostic Ultrasound
The arm-held diagnostic ultrasound system MyLab™One embeds an entire high performance ultrasound scanner in a 12-inch touch-screen tablet PC.
Kontron’s products are utilized within the TECHNOLAS® Laser Suite, an innovative all laser cataract and refractive platform which combines the TECHNOLAS Femtosecond Workstation ...
mehrBox PC in Medical
Six eyes see more System solution for 360° 2D barcode identification on cylindrical objects Seidenader has developed the SV360 Vision Inspection Module for the interruption-free ...
mehrFrom the dentist’s chair to a multimedia cockpit
ERGOcom 4 is an innovative communication system for dental practices, delivering a variety of information to both dentists and their patients.
mehrKontron provides one-stop-shop for embedded medical computing technology
Medical professionals require highly reliable computing equipment that meets strict international requirements on safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
mehrETX® fits where others form factors do not
In 2002, the medical technology manufacturer Schiller adopted the latest proprietary 5¼ inch quasi-form factor for the launch of its CardioLaptop AT-110.
mehrVolume Ultrasonic
For the use in ships and submarines Kontron has developed a rugged solution that has ultra low radiation capability and is almost noiseless. The system, which is based on ...
mehrHMI Based Control of Radiography Systems
For a leading supplier of diagnostic imaging devices Kontron provides controlling and visualization units. Thanks to this modern digital technique it’s possible to examine ...
mehrCardiovascular Ultrasound
This system establishes a level of cardiovascular performance that gives clinicians the freedom to get diagnostic results outside of the echo lab. The heart of this medical ...
mehrIn-depth Analysis of Performance, Cost, and Flexibility Factors
HerunterladenKontron hat als weltweit erstes Unternehmen die 13. Generation Intel® CoreTM Mobile Prozessoren auf COM Express® mini verfügbar gemacht. Die neuen High-Per- formance ...
HerunterladenIn response to the growing high performance computing requirements and to ensure Computer-on-Modules remain fit-for-purpose long into the future, a new High Performance Computing ...
HerunterladenThe whitepaper discusses the design considerations and challenges facing embedded systems designers when developing AI-enabled vision applications
HerunterladenA method of turning classical embedded computers into secured servers by embedding firewall / router functions that can be remotely managed.
HerunterladenThis paper discusses how SMARC™ module is continuing to evolve to ensure system designers, SIs and OEMs can meet the ongoing challenges of cost-effectively deve-loping ...
HerunterladenA range of industry applications face escalating demand for high-performance embedded computing: The new standard COM-HPC is the answer.
HerunterladenThis paper discusses SMARC’s ongoing evolution to ensure system designers/ OEMs can address the IoT requirements for more rapid and cost-effective development.
HerunterladenKontron offers the new AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V1000 also on COM Express® Compact, thus in a form factor that is much smaller than alternative offers. Read about the possibilities. ...
HerunterladenThe powerful “Zen” microarchitecture offers the entire AMD world on the 95 x 95 millimeter COM Express Compact form factor. We compare performance details to other providers. ...
HerunterladenHow powerful on-board computers are helping meet the needs of next generation connected and autonomous vehicles.
HerunterladenHow LoRaWANTM wireless connectivity benefits the Transportation industry
HerunterladenThe new COM Express Type 7 standard is ideally suited to maximising the multicore processing power of the latest Intel® Xeon® D-1500 and Atom® C3000 processor family of ...
HerunterladenAdvancing Transit System Security: IoT Enabled COTS Platforms for Intelligent, Data Driven Video Surveillance
HerunterladenKontron uses intelligent gateways based on Intel® technology in connected transportation systems.
HerunterladenThe Intelligence Needed to Maximize Long-term Reliability, Manage Costs and Enhance Customer Satisfaction
HerunterladenVital computing platforms for wayside interlocking SIL-4 systems
Providing a SIL-4certifiable open architecture for railway wayside environments
Upgrading a transportation customer’s current autonomy system to incorporate more complex designs, and specifications became possible with Kontron’s innovative EvoTrac-S1901. ...
mehrCOM Express® Basic for Autonomous Transportation in Rugged Environments
Designing an autonomous/Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) Creating scalable across multiple vehicle use cases in rugged environments
mehrRechenpower für smarte Züge
High-Performance-PC mit EN 50155 für die komplette Zug-Kommunikation
mehrAutonomes Fahren im Rennsport
Elektrisches und autonomes Fahren sind die Innovationsbegriffe der Automobilwelt. In der Formula Student füllen Studierende sie mit Leben - unterstützt von Kontron.
mehrVehikel Diagnose
Kontron unterstützt das führende Fahrzeugdiagnoseunternehmen Hella Gutmann, mit den sich ständig ändernden Kommunikationsanforderungen großer Automobilhersteller Schritt ...
mehrAutonomes Fahren
Erfahren Sie wie perfekt unser COM Express® Modul für die Applikation unseres Kunden b-plus passt wegen seiner Flexibilität, Bandbreite, Zuverlässigkeit und der erforderlichen ...
mehrZuverlässig auch im Notfall
Kontron 19“ Industrie PC als Herzstück von Telefonie Gateways für betriebskritische Kommunikationslösungen und Notrufzentralen.
mehrCollecting Data from LoRaWan Sensors on High Speed Trains
At the end of a successful 18 months pilot phase, Thalys is highly satisfied with their initial experience of Kontron’s IoT gateway, especially with regard to the link-up ...
mehrSmart Transportation applications developed by Kontron and S&T
Kontron and S&T developed various Smart Transportation applications using the latest technology.
mehrVenturo in public transportation
To equip approximately 2,500 buses and LRTs (Light Rail Transit vehicles) utilizing distributed heterogeneous embedded systems, the Belgian Walloon Regional Transport Company ...
mehrSiemens Optiguide
During March 2007 a series of QinetiQ research activities culminated with a Royal Air Force (RAF) pilot successfully controlling multiple unmanned aircraft from the cockpit ...
mehrAutomotive Electronics: Multi-functional Infotainment Platform from ICT Software Engineering
The article features a COM Express® mini based navigation demonstrator HMI provided by ICT Software Engineering.
mehrImage processing in the fast lane: tire tread check at 120 km/h
ProContour, a company based in South Germany, has developed the H3-D, a new multi-functional image processing system which opens up completely new perspectives for road safety. ...
mehrTunnel Safety Requires Sound Performance from Rugged Computers
Automated video surveillance promises to increase the safety of tunnels used by road traffic and reduce tunnel operating costs at the same time.
mehrSCADA Controlled Painting Line in Automotive Industry
MASSIVE is a technological system for energy distributions systems, which integrates all dispatcher functions to a single monitoring environment, including a view of power ...
mehrIn-Car PC
Today, a company can’t be successful by trying to cover all bases. Successful companies are those that concentrate on their core competencies and increase the customer ...
mehrEmbedded Computer Technology in Maritime Recording Equipment
Large shipwrecks like those of the „Jan Heweliucz“ and the „Estonia“ in the mid-1990s led to the realization that flight recorders mandatory in aviation should also ...