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Support kontaktierenThese NAND Flash modules are using Greenliant SATA NAND drive flash devices, allowing to store up to 32 Gbytes of data on a small onboard mezzanine form factor, compatible with Kontron Single Board Computer Cards. Single level Cells and Multi Level Cells are proposed in various capacities and operating temperature range. Please refer to ordering information. The power dissipation is limited to 1.5 Watts.
FDM-SATA datasheet
[ datasheet_fdm-sata.pdf, 623.11 KB, Aug.31.2017 ]
General Safety Instruction
[ general-safety-instructions.pdf, 628.88 KB, Aug.02.2024 ]
Kontron Modular Computers S.A.S. Service and Support Offering
This data sheet contains a detailed description of all the support and service offering from Kontron Modular Computers S.A.S, including the Long Term Supply (LTS) Services.
[ support-brochure-03-2018.pdf, 894.71 KB, Jun.28.2018 ]
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