An insatiable demand for video content is putting tremendous pressure on TV delivery infrastructure. The PCIe Dual SG1 graphics processing unit (GPU) offloads workloads from the CPU while addressing density and power challenges, and reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). The graphics card is optimized for video transcoding applications and provides more flexibility to enhance software and create differentiated products.
UPF Offload with Truminds and Kontron
Enterprises with a need for highly-reliable, business-critical mobile communications are increasingly adopting private cellular networks in preference to public cellular or WiFi alternatives. In order for these networks to be cost-effective, it’s important for them to maximize the number of client devices that can be supported in a small-footprint server.
Thus, by leveraging Napatech’s SmartNIC-based UPF offload solution running on an edge server from Kontron, Truminds has op- timized the cost-performance of their private cellular network infrastructure for markets like healthcare, government offices, utilities, universities and airports.
[ solutionbrief_upf_offload_with_truminds_and_kontron.pdf, 571.05 KB, Jan.26.2024 ]
PCIe-2SG1 - Optimized for Video Encoding to Meet Growing Demand
Kontron was approached by a communication customer to help improve video bandwidth to deliver a seamless video on-demand experience, which led to faster speed, lower power consumption, and reduced cost-per-stream – all using the latest PCLe-2SG1 card.
[ uc_onepager_video-encoding.pdf, 3.82 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]
PCIe-2SG1 Datasheet
[ pcie-2sg1_datasheet.pdf, 1.52 MB, Nov.02.2021 ]
PCIe-2SG1 User Guide
[ sg1_user_guide_v1-1.pdf, 1.23 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]
General Safety Instruction
[ general-safety-instructions.pdf, 628.88 KB, Aug.02.2024 ]
PCIe-2SG1 BSP Ubuntu 20.04 k5.10.104
[eingeschränkter Download]
[, 107.45 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]
PCIe-2SG1 BSP CentOS 8.2 k4.18.0.193
[eingeschränkter Download]
[, 85.84 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]
PCIe-SG1_Current Release
[ pcie-2sg1_gpu-fwigsc_v1-4-tar.gz, 1.14 MB, Apr.20.2023 ]
Kontron Services Brochure
[ kontron-services-brochure.pdf, 8.9 MB, Dec.17.2020 ]
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