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Support kontaktierenA comprehensive range of hardware and software Security services for the protection of Embedded Computers
KONTRON SEC-Line (Secure Embedded Computing) modules and services combine the most up-to-date technologies for the protection of Embedded Applications: Trusted and Secure Boot, Trusted Modules, Advanced authentication and Application binary encryption.
To answer increasing security requirements for safety-critical applications, Kontron has built up its security capabilities into four modules, implementing hardware enforced root of trust, as well as software only techniques.
Together with SEC-Line, Kontron proposes in-house the necessary additional services compliant with ISO 27000 standard for the encryption of applicative software and the management of Security Certificates.
SEC-Line Elements datasheet
[ sec-line-elements_20201211_datasheet.pdf, 4.06 MB, Dec.11.2020 ]
VME-VPX shortform catalog
[ shortform-vme-vpx.pdf, 1.36 MB, Jun.18.2024 ]
General Safety Instruction
[ general-safety-instructions.pdf, 628.88 KB, Aug.02.2024 ]
Kontron Services Brochure
[ kontron-services-brochure.pdf, 8.9 MB, Dec.17.2020 ]
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