
3U VPX PCI Express and Ethernet Hybrid Switch
This product is not recommended for new designs.
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  • Compliant with OpenVPX VITA65 profile SLT3-SWH-6F6U-14.4.1
  • Up to 24 Ports/32 Lanes PCIe Switch
  • 9 Port Giga Ethernet Switch
  • Air-cooled and Conduction-cooled Builds

3U VPX PCI Express and Ethernet Hybrid switch

The Kontron 3U VPX PCI Express and Ethernet hybrid switch VX3905 is the ideal partner for the centralized backplane to efficiently handle a high bandwidth. It provides up to 24 Ports with 32 lane PCI Express Gen 1 / Gen 2 switching and additional 9 port gigabit Ethernet switching capabilities for the control plane. By this it offers a tenfold increase in I/O bandwidth between computing boards in High Performance Embedded Computing applications compared to VME, unleashing a new kind of applications for data processing platforms used for Radar, Sonar and general image processing.
VX3905 is available in an air-cooled version (0°C to +55°C) and in rugged conduction-cooled version (-40°C to + 85°C).


GbE Switch Features Marvell MVL88E6185, 9 Giga ethernet ports, 3 on board 1000BaseT PHY, 2 front RJ45 1000BaseT (SA build only), 1 rear 1000BaseT, 6 1000BaseBX rear links
PCI Express / PCI support IDT 89H32NT24AG2, 32 Lanes, up to 24 Ports, User configurable ports as x8, x4, x2 (and x1 for 16 lanes), PCI Express gen2 and gen1, Front x4 PCI Express cable connector (SA build only)
SATA Optional Sata disk carrier compliant with OpenVPX VITA65 SLT3-STO-2U-14.5.1
Power Supply Single +5V power supply
Power Consumption 25W max (without Sata drive)



VX3905 Datasheet
[ ds-vx3905.pdf, 1.13 MB, Aug.31.2017 ]

VME-VPX shortform catalog
[ shortform-vme-vpx.pdf, 889.98 KB, Mar.20.2025 ]

Kontron Modular Computers S.A.S. Service and Support Offering
This data sheet contains a detailed description of all the support and service offering from Kontron Modular Computers S.A.S, including the Long Term Supply (LTS) Services.
[ support-brochure-03-2018.pdf, 894.71 KB, Jun.28.2018 ]


VX3905 Ethernet Switch - Firmware User Manual [restrictions apply]
[ sddtg22-0e-vx3905-firm.pdf, 330.02 KB, Sep.11.2017 ]

VX3905 User's Guide [restrictions apply]
VX3905-3U VPX PCIe and ETH switch User's Guide
[ cadta89-3e-vx3905-ug.pdf, 717.17 KB, Sep.11.2017 ]

General Safety Instruction
[ general-safety-instructions.pdf, 628.88 KB, Aug.02.2024 ]


VXFabric White Paper
[ whitepaper_en_vxfabric-v2-final.pdf, 5.87 MB, Nov.27.2013 ]

Managing 3rd gen High Data Rates on VPX Backplanes
This white paper describes the key parameters that must be mastered to achieve high data rates on VPX architectures. It explains some of the technologies used by Kontron to operate VPX computers at top bandwidth (eg PCIe gen3, 10G Base KR)
[ whitepaper_vpx_highdatarates.pdf, 3.49 MB, Apr.21.2017 ]


Vx3905 Hardware Release Note [restrictions apply]
[ cadta90-1e-vx3905-hrn.pdf, 371.93 KB, Jan.13.2023 ]


Kontron Modular Computers S.A.S. Service and Support Offering
This data sheet contains a detailed description of all the support and service offering from Kontron Modular Computers S.A.S, including the Long Term Supply (LTS) Services.
[ long-term-supply-offering.pdf, 2.35 MB, Feb.25.2025 ]



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