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Support kontaktierenKontron ist Embedded Computer Lieferant für militärische Anwendungen. Wir bieten Ihnen starke Entwicklungs- und Fertigungsressourcen im eigenen Hause und eine große Basis an militärischen Computer Basisprodukten auf Board- und System-Level. Inklusive maßgeschnittenem Softwaresupport. Unsere Standardprodukte lassen sich leicht auf Ihren spezifischen Bedarf anpassen – sei es für ihre Applikationsanforderung, für offizielle Militär-Programme oder für gänzlich neue Wehr-Technologien.
Wir arbeiten mit unseren Kunden und Partnern sehr individuell und dem Bedarf entsprechend zusammen. Unsere jahrzehntelange Erfahrung mit militärischen Projekten und die damit verbundenen Anforderungen an die Einhaltung von Standards sowie unser umfangreiches Produktportfolio gibt Ihnen die Sicherheit, dass wir stets höchsten Anforderungen gerecht werden.
Kontron Defense Computers range from compact to modular mission computers, rugged blade computers, rugged enclosures and rugged ethernet switches
COMe form factors basic (125x95), compact (95x95) and mini (84x55) with common PICMG pin-out types 6, 7, 10
The open modular standard, well established in all ECT markets. Kontron's leading portfolio covers 3U and 6U, CPU blades and Switches, Peripherals and ...
Mit unseren Edge-Servern können Inhalte und Anwendungen näher an den Rand des Netzes verlagert werden, während die Betreiber gleichzeitig Platz- und ...
Dec 18, 2024
News: Kontron sichert sich erneut Großauftrag im Bereich Verteidigung und Sicherheit im Wert von voraussichtlich 165 Millionen Euro
Dec 11, 2024
News: Kontron setzt erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit führendem US-Luftfahrt- und Verteidigungsunternehmen fort
Dec 10, 2024
News: Schnellere und zuverlässigere Glasfaseranbindung für 100.000 Haushalte in Tschechien mit Kontrons Breitbandlösung
DARC™ VX208 Rugged Mission Computer
Providing situational awareness capabilities to Armored Ground Vehicles
mehrCOBALT™ 901 with MIL-STD-1553
A defense customer needed a new platform with lower SWaP, security enhancement, and customized modifications. Kontron’s solution of using the COBALT™ ...
mehrCOBALT™ S1901
Rugged Conduction Cooled High Performance CPU/GPU Platform for Next Generation Technology Insertion
mehrKontron and Azimuth Sharpen the Department of Defense's Stiletto Boat Drug Interdiction
Azimuth, Incorporated has a long history as a government contractor successfully implementing and integrating the company’s specialty ...
mehrRobust multi-core technology for more accurate and faster mapping of the sea floor
6U CompactPCI multi-core computing technology from Kontron based on the PICMG 2.16 standard enables ATLAS Hydrographic Echosounder to generate more detailed ...
mehrSingle Fastjet Pilot Flies Multiple Aircraft
During March 2007 a series of QinetiQ research activities culminated with a Royal Air Force (RAF) pilot successfully controlling multiple unmanned aircraft ...
mehrTurnkey Platform for Navy
Modern vessels such as frigate embark many computers. Massively parallel computation is required to process all signals for Radar, Sonar, Optronics, Electronic ...
mehrMobile Radar System
Mobile Radar Systems are crucial to the artillery radar team to quickly locate enemy long-range artillery and rocket launcher positions. The system technology ...
mehrDigital Signal processing of Airborne Radars
Radars, and more sharply Signal Aperture Radars (SAR), digital processing systems needs an association of powerful processing nodes and efficient data ...
mehrAutonomous Underwater Vehicle
Kontron has supported Club S.O.N.I.A (Systeme d' Operation Nautique Intelligent et Autonome) from the Ecole de technologie superieure (a Technical University) ...
mehrInternational Space Station
DECLIC is a French generic experiment facility for scientific material research under a micro-gravity environment on board the International Space Station. ...
mehrCommunication with Military Vehicles
Data and voice communications with military vehicles have very specific requirements. Besides "ordinary" functionality, the unit and all of its components ...
mehrCompactPCI MilPAC for Otomelara
Kontron has developed together with Otomelara, one of the leading military companies and part of the Finmeccanica group, a rugged portable solution within ...
mehrQNX Software Systems offers realtime OS technology, development tools, and professional services for mission-critical embedded systems. With over 25 years™ experience serving device manufacturers, QNX is singularly focused on enabling customer success through innovative technology. Our modular, standards-based software platform helps companies build the worlds most reliable, scalable, and high-performance applications.